
Publisert 13. des. 2010 15:53

The final exam with solution has been posted on the exam page. The final grades have been decided, and the results will be available on studentweb in a few days. Happy Christmas!

Publisert 24. nov. 2010 11:25

Exam: The exam problem set this year will not have a separate section with relevant formulae at the end of the problems.

Instead you are allowed to bring and use the following aids: D.J. Griffiths "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics", the two handouts: "Time evolution of states in quantum mechanics" and "Symmetry and degeneracy", one handwritten A4-sheet (2 pages) with your own notes, K. Rottmann "Matematisk formelsamling" and an approved calculator.

Publisert 19. nov. 2010 15:13

Problem set 12 is here. This is the last problem set!

Publisert 12. nov. 2010 19:49

Problem set 11 is here. NB!: In problem 11.2 the denominator should have an extra square root, i.e. power 1/4 instead 1/2.

Publisert 5. nov. 2010 15:38

Problem set 10 is here.

Publisert 29. okt. 2010 22:42

The solution to the Problem set 8 is posted in the solutions section (link on the main page).

Publisert 29. okt. 2010 17:57

Problem set 9 is here. NB: As some of you pointed out, the second variational wave function with exponent (b/r) is not normalizable; instead the exponent SHOULD BE (r/b)! This has been corrected now in problem 9.2.

Publisert 22. okt. 2010 22:12

The solution to Problem set 7 is here. There was an error in the first version: the CG coefficients √(2/5) and √(3/5) in part c) were incorrectly interchanged.

Publisert 22. okt. 2010 17:01

Problem set 8 is here. The exercise sessions will be held in the room F?443A during the weeks 43-47, starting on tuesday 26.10.

Publisert 22. okt. 2010 16:51

There will be a slight change in the course plan The lectures about the variational method have been moved to next week.

Publisert 19. okt. 2010 15:33

The midterm solution and scores are posted on the Exams page

Publisert 15. okt. 2010 16:23

Problem set 7 is here. Note the new format for the exercise sessions and schedule for returning the papers!

Publisert 13. okt. 2010 18:10

Next week only: The lecture on Monday 18. and the help session on Tuesday 19. will be interchanged so that the help session will be given on Monday 18. at 14. in Lillefy and the lecture will be held in Lillefy on Tuesday 19. at 16.

Publisert 8. okt. 2010 13:34

Midterm, clarifying comments and errata:

  • 1.: The magnetic field is a constant and is not time-dependent.
  • 1.1: Replace "eigenfunctions" with "eigenstates".
  • 2.2: You do NOT need to show [b,b]=0 and [b^+,b^+]=0. These are obviously true regardless of how b is expressed in terms of the a's. The info [a,a]=0 below H is also superfluous.

Publisert 5. okt. 2010 16:20

The Midterm exam is here. Due: October 12. at 14:30 in the box marked FYS3110 in the Physics front office. This is an individual exam, so everybody must hand in their own solution. It is ok to talk to each other about the problems though. Good luck.

Publisert 30. sep. 2010 14:44

Error in problem set 6: Problem 6.2, there should be an additional factor i in front of the summation sign.

Publisert 29. sep. 2010 14:28

No lectures (Oct. 6.and 11.) because of the midterm exam. There will be a lecture on Monday Oct. 4 (sorry for the previous wrong message on this page). Jaakko will go thru problem set 6 on Tuesday Oct. 5.

Publisert 29. sep. 2010 14:27

The midterm exam is coming up. It will be posted on this webpage on Tuesday Oct. 5 and will be due one week later, Oct. 12.

Publisert 29. sep. 2010 14:22

Yesterdays vote resulted in a change in the organization of the tuesday plenary sessions. Beginning October 19. Jaakko will help you with the homework problems on Tuesdays. Problem set 7 and onwards will be due on Fridays (first time Oct. 22) and solutions will be put on the web.

Publisert 28. sep. 2010 20:28

A black scarf with a rose pattern was left to LilleFy after today's exercise session. If it belongs to one of the FYS3110 students, the scarf can be inquired from the ekspedisjons-office!

Publisert 28. sep. 2010 16:39

Problem set 6 is here.

Publisert 27. sep. 2010 18:09

Some of you have suggested to us to replace the Tuesdays "plenary calculations" with "regneverksted" (same time), where you do the homework and Jaakko helps. For further details and to vote on whether or not to make this change, show up at tomorrows plenary session (28/9). If you decide on this change, it will take place after the midterm exam.

Publisert 23. sep. 2010 17:17

The corrected papers for problem sets 1-3 are now all at the ekspedisjons office (sets 1-2 we're there from wednesday morning). The papers can be found in a blue box titled "FYS3110 ferdig rettet".

About the corrected papers: you should find either PASS or FAIL in the end of your paper (relax, there was very few FAILSs among the returned papers). There might be some markings on your paper but NOT necessarily, even in the case there would be errors or nonsense in the paper. I.e. you should always compare your effort with the solution presented in the exercise session!

Publisert 21. sep. 2010 17:28

Problem set 5 is here.

Publisert 20. sep. 2010 21:09

NB: In Problem set 4, part a): You just need to calculate the equation of motion for X and P in terms of the respective operators, NOT the full time-dependence. Sorry for the harm caused by the imprecise wording!