Midterm exam

On Friday Oct. 6. the midterm exam will be available on the Inspera exam system.  You have one week to solve the problems. You should hand in your solutions (scanned handwritten notes are ok) on Inspera before Friday Oct. 13 at 14:00.

Write your candidate number on your answer sheets. Not your name!

You are allowed to talk to each other about quantum mechanics during the exam. Nevertheless, the exam is an individual exam and so you are yourself responsible for understanding and justifying what you write.

If you have questions about wordings etc. in the problem set, ask them on the Discussions forum on Canvas. In that way everybody can see our answers.

There will be no lectures nor exercise sessions in the midterm-week. Lectures will resume on Monday Oct. 16 and problem set 7 is due on Oct. 17.

Publisert 3. okt. 2023 13:19 - Sist endret 3. okt. 2023 13:19