About the problem sets

FYS3110 revolve around the problem sets. They are the most important ingredients in this course. The problems are meant to be challenging (!), and you should not despair if you cannot do or understand them alone. Don't be afraid to seek help from other students and the group teacher.

There will be a total of 12 weekly problem sets.  Problem sets will be posted on Fridays, and are due Wednesdays at 14:00 twelve days later. You can get help in the exercise sessions on Wednesdays (2nd hour) and Fridays.  The first problem set will be posted on Aug. 18.

Each problem set contains problems that are marked with different categories: (L) are problems that are referred to in the lectures and are meant to supplement the lecture material. Do them to get more out of the lectures! (H) are typical homework exercise problems that illustrate several concepts. (X) are exam type problems. At least one of the subproblems on the final exam will be taken, perhaps in a slightly altered form, from these (X) problems. (E) are extra problems. Do them if you feel the need.

In order to get an OK (get it approved) on your problem set you MUST

  • Do a decent attempt on all the (H) and (X) problems


  • Evaluate/review and make comments on the problem set of another student.


The evaluation is done either by

  • Participating in the feedback session on Wednesdays (1st hour): Bring your answer sheets with you to the feedback session and evaluate another student's problem set there.


  • Hand in your answer on Canvas within the DUE time. Then wait until Canvas assigns you a problem set to review (a short while after the DUE time). You must provide your feedback on Canvas before Friday evening.

Written answers to the problem sets will be posted on Canvas at the beginning of the Wednesday feedback session.

To be eligible for the final exam you must get an OK on at least six assignments, three of them must be among the six first weekly assignments.

Publisert 18. aug. 2023 10:21 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2023 10:21