
Publisert 10. juni 2020 19:34

Worked solutions for this year's final exam and a preliminary grading guide (sensorveiledning) can now be found here.

Publisert 6. juni 2020 15:46

I just want to bring to everyone's attention something I have answered in the Discussion forum on Canvas: On the final exam, in question 1 g), the reference should be to the result you found in 1 b) NOT in 1 a). This was a typo.

Publisert 3. apr. 2020 10:44

The final exam in FYS3120 will be conducted as a home exam instead of a school exam due to the corona-situation.

The deadline for submission will be 7 days (1 week) from the starting time and the submission shall be done in Inspera. The expected extent of the work will be limited to 2 workdays, and all examination support materials are permitted. You will receive further practical information regarding the exam after Easter.

The course will be graded Passed/Fail, in adherence to the guidelines for examinations at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the spring semester of 2020. The guidelines are published here:

For further information regarding Inspera please see   /english/studies/examinations/subm...

Publisert 17. mars 2020 10:08

Starting with today's lecture on covariant Lagrangians, the lectures will be posted as podcasts, and can be found linked on the course schedule page under the appropriate date:


A copy of my notes for the lecture (as well as the slides) will be uploaded to Canvas and can be found on the Modules page there, under the relevant week. We encourage you to ask questions about the lectures on the Discussion page in Canvas.

Once the home-exam has completed we will return with more information on how we plan to deal with the problem classes in the weeks to come.

Good luck on the home-exam!

Publisert 11. mars 2020 18:30

The lecture tomorrow (March 12) will be held as normal. However, if you are hesitant to attend, we remind you that the lectures in Part 2 of the course are all podcast, and can be found linked on the course schedule page:


while my notes are uploaded to Canvas and can be found on the Modules page, under the relevant week. Both should appear relatively soon after the lecture.

It is still uncertain whether the last lecture before the mid-term exam will be held as a normal lecture. If not, as an alternative we will upload a podcast containing the material from the lecture. The same is true for lectures after the midterm week. Please check back here for more information as time passes.