FYS3150/4150 weekly schedule


Department of Physics, University of Oslo



Fall 2015

Teaching schedule fall 2015

Lectures are in Store Fysiske Auditorium, Department of Physics, University of Oslo, while exercises are at the computer lab, room FV329 at the Department of Physics. Both rooms are at the third floor, western wing of the department.


Week and days Topics to be covered Exercises and projects Reading assignments Lab activities
Week 34 August 17-21 Introduction to programming Exercises 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1 Chapters 2 and 3 of Intro to git
  Numerical derivation See lecture notes   Exercise solving
Week 35 August 24-28 C++ programming Exercises 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1 Chapters 3 and 6 Intro to QT
  Linear algebra Presentation of project 1   Exercises and project 1
Week 36 August 31-September 4 Linear Algebra Project 1, deadline September 14 Chapter 6.1-6.5 Working on project 1
  Gaussian elimination, LU decomposition     Discussion of the library Armadillo
  Cubic spline and matrix operations     How to write a scientific report
Week 37 September 7-11 Eigenvalue problems Project 1 Chapters 7.1-7.4  
  Jacobi's method Presentation of project 2   Further discussions of Armadillo
  Object oriented programming     Elements of scientific reports and efficient plotting of data
Week 38 September 14-18 Eigenvalue problems Project 2, deadline october 5 Chapter 7.5-7.7 Discussion of compiler flags
  Householder's and Lanczos' algorithms Discussion of project 2  
  Power methods     Work on project 2
  Object orientation      
Week 39 September 21-25 Eigenvalues, final part and start Numerical integration Project 2 Chapter 5.1-5.5 Demonstration of simple classes with and without Qt
  Trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule      
  Gaussian quadrature      
Week 40 September 28-October 2 Numerical integration Project 2 Chapters 5.5 and 11.1-11.5 Discussion of parallelization using OpenMP
  Parallelization and Monte Carlo integration Presentation of project 3 on Friday    
Week 41 October 5-9 Monte Carlo methods Project 3, deadline October 19 Chapters 11.1-11.5 and 12.1-12.3 Discussion of parallelization using OpenMP
  Probabilities and random numbers     Work on project 3
Week 42 October 12-16 Probabilities and random numbers Project 3 Chapters 12.3-12.5 and 13.1-13.3 Work on project 3
  Markov processes and the Metropolis algorithm     Project 4 is available
Week 43 October 19-23 Monte Carlo methods Project 4, deadline November 9 Chapters 12.3-12.5 and 13.1-13.3 Using Qt to debug and analyze code performance
  Statistical physics and the Ising model Discussion of project 4    
Week 44 October 26-30 Statistical physics and discussion of project 4 Project 4 Chapter 13.1-13.5 Work on project 4
        Code optimization and parallelization with MPI and OpenMP
Week 45 November 2-6 Differential equations Project 4 Chapters 8.1-8.6 More discussions of parallelization with OpenMP and MPI
  Ordinary differential equations      
  Discussion of Runge-Kutta methods and adaptive step methods. Applications to model of the solar system.      
Week 46 November 9-13 Differential equations Project 5, deadline December  4   End of project 4, begin project 5
  Partial differential equations, diffusion equation in one and two dimensions Presentation of project 5 (three alternatives) Chapters 10.1-10.3  
Week 47 November 16-20 Differential equations     Work on project 5
  Parallelization of partial differential equation and discussion of projects. Wave equation in one and two dimensions   Chapters 10.3-10.4  
Week 48 November 23-27 Summary of course and discussion of projects     Work on project 5
Final Exam December 14