FYS3150/4150 Syllabus/achievement requirements

Department of Physics, University of Oslo

Fall 2015

Basic Syllabus

The syllabus for this course consists of the lecture notes on the webpage (chapters 2-15) and 5 compulsory projects. The last two projects will be graded and count 1/3 each of the final mark. A final written exam which counts 1/3 is also part of the total evaluation.

The first three projects have to be handed in at the deadline and get the mark passed (marks for the projects are passed/not passed only). Projects 4 and 5 are part of the final evaluation and count 1/3 each of the final mark.

A good text that can be used (with more math plus much material on parallelization) is 'Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI', of Karniadakis and Kirby III, Cambridge.

Additional literature

In addition we recommend highly the texts on Numerical Recipes in C++ or Fortran90 by Press et al. The C, F77 and Fortran90 can be downloaded down for free, follow the links at Numerical Recipes

The program library in C++ and Fortran2008 used in this course is a rewritten version of the Numerical Recipes codes.