Weekly update November 7-11

Dear All,

here's our weekly digest!

-I changed the deadline for project 4 till November 19 (Sunday). Project 3 had also a deadline on a Sunday.

-Project 5 has also a new deadline, December 10 instead of December 8. 

-I corrected also a typo in the last part of project 4, there was an erroneous lattice size of L=140. This has been corrected to 100. 

-Project 5 has presently 4 versions, 2 on PDEs, one on Monte Carlo and one on Molecular Dynamics (extension of project 3) and will be made available this weekend or next Monday at latest. Stay tuned on Github and read messages from piazza.


Else, this week we will discuss random number generators properly, discuss how to test them and discuss how to quantify errors, an often neglected topic.  This material is covered by chapter 11 of the lecture notes. 

If we get time, we will on Friday start our discussion of partial differential equations. We will start with the diffusion equation and link this partly with random walks. This means that chapter 12 and chapter 10 are relevant reading material for this topic. Next week and the final two weeks will be dedicated to a discussion of partial differential equations and the various projects we will work with. 


See you tomorrow and best wishes to you all,


Publisert 8. nov. 2017 14:04 - Sist endret 8. nov. 2017 14:04