Weekly update for week 45

Good morning everybody!

Here follows a short update of our plans for this week and next week.

On Thursday we will wrap up our discussion of random number generators (see chapter 11 of the lecture notes) and discuss how to perform quantum mechanical calculations (chapter 14) with Monte Carlo methods. We will also bring in a more technical discussion on how to compute properly errors in Monte Carlo calculations and discuss briefly what is called the central limit theorem. This ends our discussion of Monte Carlo methods. On Friday we start with our last topic, namely a discussion of partial differential equations. This will also be one of the topics for two variants of project 5. Next week we will discuss these various variants for project 5 and continue the discussion of partial differential equations. This topic will keep us busy for the rest of the semester. Week 48, the last week (November 26-30) we will have a lecture on Thursday 29 and this will serve to wrap up the course, finalize the discussion of PDEs and discuss further the 

various projects. 

There is no lecture on Friday the 30th, only lab. 


Best wishes to you all,

Morten et al



For the lab next week, as we discussed during the lectures, we thought that we could try to have a collective effort where those who can bring some cake/sweets etc. We could attempt to organize this for next Friday if ok, that Friday the 16th, before the deadline of Monday the 19th.

Please feel free to bring your favorite cakes. Last week Francesco, Marianna, Simen, Stefano, and Steinn brought some delicious cakes. Thanks a million to you.  The last lab day, November 30, we will try to organize a new pizza happening.

Publisert 8. nov. 2018 04:24 - Sist endret 8. nov. 2018 04:24