Weekly plans and update for week 41

Dear all, since many of you are busy with various midterm exams this week (best wishes to you from us) there are no lectures this week, neither on Thursday nor on Friday. 

However, we will keep the lab open and this week there is only project work (no dedicated lectures on special topics at the lab).

Concerning project 3, we recommend looking again at the slides on 

1) Gaussian quadrature at for example http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics/doc/pub/integrate/html/integrate-reveal.html and chapter 5 of the lectures

2) Monte Carlo integration, in particular the last part of the slides, from slides 87 and forward at http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics/doc/pub/mcint/html/mcint-reveal.html and chapter 11.4 of the lecture notes. 

3) The code examples under the project 3 folder at https://github.com/CompPhysics/ComputationalPhysics/tree/master/doc/Projects/2019/Project3/CodeExamples may also be useful.


Next week we will discuss random number generators as well as starting discussing random walks and Markov chains. For random number generators we strongly recommend using the c++ class random, see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/random/ and the Monte Carlo slides at http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics/doc/pub/mcint/html/mcint-reveal.html

There are several examples there on how to use random number generators, either from lib.cpp library or the random class in c++.


Again, best wishes to you all with your midterm exams,

Aram, Daniel, Halvard, Jonas and Morten


Publisert 9. okt. 2019 08:14 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2019 08:14