Weekly plans and update for week 43

Hi all and thx a million for heroic efforts with project 3!!!  We really appreciate what you have done and are very impressed. We look forward to read your projects.

Project 4 is out and we will discuss the mathematics and science behind this project during tomorrow's and Friday's lectures. During these lectures we will also derive the Metropolis algorithm, discuss Markov chains and link this to the statistical physics of project 4. The material of relevance can be found in chapters 12 and 13 of the lecture notes, as well as the slides on Markov chains and brownian motion at http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics/doc/pub/rw/html/rw.html

and the slides on statistical physics and project 4 at http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics/doc/pub/statphys/html/statphys.html


Best wishes for the rest of week and congrats again with project 3 to all of you,

Aram, Daniel, Halvard, Jonas and Morten

Publisert 23. okt. 2019 21:52 - Sist endret 23. okt. 2019 21:52