Weekly plans and update for week 45

Good morning everybody, just a short message this time about the plans for week 45.

On Thursday we will wrap up our Monte Carlo discussions, pointing at possible other applications and finalize the discussion on the calculation of errors.  The material on error discussions and the central limit theorem can be found in the lecture notes chapter 11.2.  After this we start with our last topic, ordinary and partial differential equations (chapters 8 and 10 of the lecture notes). We start with ordinary differential equations (ODEs) this week (most likely towards the end of the Thursday lecture) and will focus on the standard methods like the family of Runge-Kutta methods and so-called symplectic ODEs, see chapter 8 of the lecture notes. Thereafter, towards the end of next week, we start with partial differential equations and that will keep us busy till the end of the semester. 


At the lab we continue with our work on project 4. 


Best wishes to you all!

Publisert 7. nov. 2019 05:58 - Sist endret 7. nov. 2019 05:58