Weekly plans and update for week 48

Dear all, we hope you all are doing well. This is our last week, sadly!!  We hope obviously that you have enjoyed the course, it has been pleasure to get to know you, although in these covid-19 times we have lost much of the one-to-one contact which allows us to interact and discuss.

We have however been able to keep the labs open. 

Tomorrow, Thursday, due to exams for several of the group teachers, the lab 10-12 is closed, however, we keep the in-person labs 12-16 open as well as the digital lab from 16 to 18.

On Friday we have digital lab from 10-18 (use the zoom link for lab 9) as well as the in-person labs.

For the lectures tomorrow we will finish our discussion of the diffusion equation as well as Poisson's and Laplace's equations (see chapter 10 of the lecture notes).

These topics are relevant for the PDE project versions of project 5 (projects are available  at http://compphysics.github.io/ComputationalPhysics/doc/web/course, scroll down the page). There may be a variant of project 5 on the Black-Scholes equation but we haven't finalized it yet.


Friday we summarize everything.


We will however keep the digital lab open each Thursday from 12 to 16. 


Best wishes to you all,

Morten et al

Publisert 25. nov. 2020 18:40 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2020 18:40