
Publisert 10. des. 2021 16:54

Hi all,

As mentioned last week, our course has been selected for review this semester. What this means is that we need to have a short review meeting where we talk about what aspects of the course worked fine and what aspects should be improved. So we are looking for 2-3 students who can join this meeting. The others joining the meeting will be me, the group teachers, plus one representative from Fysisk Fagutvalg.

Gianmarco has already kindly volunteered to join as one of the students, but we still need 1-2 more students.

We're aiming to have the meeting on Friday December 17, and it will be possible to join via Zoom. (Most of us will probably be on Zoom anyway.)

So if you have time and would be willing to join a short meeting to share your thoughts, please just send me an email. We'd really appreciate your help with this. :)

Also, if you cannot vol...

Publisert 8. des. 2021 16:34

Hi all,
Due to the new Covid-19 recommendations and the fact that our usual rooms are booked for exams, we will only have digital lab sessions this last week.

We'll use the same Zoom link as before -- you can find the link in the schedule page for lab 4.

We aim to keep the digital lab open throughout the usual time slot, i.e. 10:00--16:00 Thursday and 10:00--14:00 Friday, though the number of available teachers might vary a bit.

Good luck to all with finishing project 5!

Publisert 1. des. 2021 09:56

Hi all,
A few messages regarding project 5:

  • We have decided to extend the deadline to Wednesday December 15, since you have had a bit shorter time for this project compared to projects 3 and 4. This means we will have to be very restrictive in granting any extensions beyond this deadline, to avoid delaying the grading work.
  • The project page has been updated with all the details (simulation settings, initial state, etc.) needed to complete the project. Note also the various hints/suggestions in the "Note" boxes.
  • The recordings from last week's lectures are available via the Schedule page and the lecture notes have been added to the git repository.
  • Tomorrow morning (Thursday December 2) is the last lecture of the course, but we will keep the lab sessions open both this week and next week to help you with ...
Publisert 19. nov. 2021 21:25

Hi all,
Better late than never -- the various lost lecture recordings from this semester have now been recovered and can be found via the schedule page.

Publisert 19. nov. 2021 15:15

Hi all,
In case you're short on time for project 4 because your code is running a bit slower than expected, I've added a note with some hints/suggestions under problem 8 on the project page.

Publisert 19. nov. 2021 07:04

Hi all,
I have come down with a bad cold, so I will unfortunately have to cancel today's lecture. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Once I'm back in action I will either record a lecture or upload some other online material to replace today's lecture.
In the meantime, good luck with finishing project 4!

Publisert 14. nov. 2021 18:57

Hi all,
As promised in the lecture on Friday, we've uploaded some examples on how you can use the <random> library in C++ for random number generation. The examples are also linked from the "Code snippets" section at the bottom of the Project 4 page.

Publisert 8. nov. 2021 00:55

Hi all,
Lecture notes and code examples from the lectures on November 4 and 5 are now on GitHub. Some of the video recordings are unfortunately missing -- currently working on recovering those...

Publisert 26. okt. 2021 12:11

Hi all,
Hope everything went well with finishing Project 3. Some small pieces of information:

  • In the lectures last week we discussed probabilities (interpretations, main properties, common pdfs, many-dimensional pdfs), which forms the basic background as we now move into Monte Carlo methods.
  • We still have problems with some missing lecture recordings, but now the lecture notes from last week are at least on the GitHub repo.
  • Our next topics will be expectation values (mean and variance), random numbers and the physics case in Project 4 (the Ising model).
  • Project 4 will be published as soon as it's ready.

Have a nice week, all!

Publisert 24. okt. 2021 20:31

Hi all,

There's been a small typo in Equation (17) in Problem 3: we were missing two constant phases, which lead to some confusion about the signs of A_+ and A_-, and consequently the absolute values in Problem 5. (In short: you can assume that both A_+ and A_- are positive.)

See the notes under Problem 3 and Problem 5 on project page.

Given this late correction, when grading your reports we will not subtract points for confusion about the signs of A_+ and A_- that is due to this typo.

Sorry for the confusion and good luck finishing your reports!

Publisert 21. okt. 2021 11:59

Hi all,

As mentioned a while ago, we're doing a lightweight midterm evaluation of the course, to give you an opportunity to give us some feedback.

So when you have time (and before Friday 29 October), please fill in this short form. It should only take you 1--2 minutes, as the form only has three questions with numbered alternatives, plus an optional comment box.

You will have to log in with your UiO user to access the form, but all answers are completely anonymous.


Publisert 20. okt. 2021 12:36

Hi all,

Apologies, but here's a slight change (again) to how our Canvas group system works: We will create new sets of groups for each project. So on our Canvas page (under the menu item Personer) you will now find a set of groups named Groups Project 3. These are the groups you should use to hand in Project 3.

We have created these new groups by cloning the existing groups from Projects 1+2 (now named "Groups Projects 1+2"), so most of you should already be in the correct group. But if you need to change group for Project 3, you should do so now using the new set of groups ("Groups Project 3"). These groups are open, so you are free to make the changes yourself.

We will similarly create dedicated groups for Projects 4 and 5.

(The reason for the change is to avoid that group changes interfere with the already assigned grades/comments on previous projects.)

Publisert 11. okt. 2021 13:56

Hi all,
This is just a reminder that there are no lectures or lab sessions this week, since this is the week of midterm exams in other courses. So good luck with your midterm exams, and see you again next week!

Publisert 6. okt. 2021 07:34

Hi all,
The LaTeX template for projects 3, 4 and 5 is now ready, see this page. We recommend you take a few minutes to read through the template as it contains useful advice both on how to structure a report and on proper LaTeX use.

Publisert 5. okt. 2021 20:43

Hi all,
We have just finished preparing the last problem for Project 3, so make sure to check version of the project web page.
We'll spend some time on the lecture on Thursday to go through the problem description.
In other news, the promised LaTeX template is right around the corner. We'll post another message here when it's ready.

Publisert 3. okt. 2021 15:03

Hi all,

  • As promised I've created a folder in our git repo we're I'll upload my lecture notes. Note that these are just my personal notes for the blackboard lectures, so they may not be very tidy and may contain small reminders to myself that aren't relevant for you. But it can be useful in case you need to double-check something in your own notes.
  • Unfortunately, something went wrong with the recording from the second lecture on Friday. However, in that lecture I followed my lecture notes very closely, so if you couldn't attend the lecture you should get a sufficient summary by reading these lecture notes. I discussed initial value problems in general, and the methods ...
Publisert 1. okt. 2021 11:49

Hei alle,
F?r f?rste forelesning i dag hadde Tharmira en kort presentasjon med info om Gründerskolen (sommerprogram). Om noen er interesserte kan dere laste ned presentasjonen hennes her.

Publisert 30. sep. 2021 15:32

Hi all,
There's hardly been anyone who has been going to the digital lab session on Thursdays 16--18. (This is not necessarily a bad thing -- if you can join a physical lab session, you should!) So we're closing that lab session for now. We can however restart it at some later point, if it seems useful.

Publisert 28. sep. 2021 20:40

Hi all,
Hope the work with project 2 went well. We're putting the finishing touches on project 3 right now, but we can already reveal the main topics:

  • The physics topic of project 3 will be Penning traps, which are devices for storing charged particles using a configuration of static electric and magnetic fields.
  • Coding-wise our main focus will be how to solve this problem using an object oriented approach. So that means you'll be writing some C++ classes.
  • In terms of algorithms, the main workhorse this time will be the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method.
  • And of course, a main focus for this project is that you will be writing a proper scientific report.
Publisert 23. sep. 2021 22:51

Hi all,
Two quick messages concerning project 2:

  • We have added a couple of hints for problem 6, as this problem perhaps was a bit confusing. So make sure to check the project page.
  • When lecturing the Jacobi rotation method I got one of the matrix equations wrong. The equation for updating the R matrix should be R^(m+1) = R^(m) * S_m. (I wrote it down in the opposite order, R^(m+1) = S_m R^(m).) However, the expressions I wrote down for the individual elements of R were still correct, so presumably this error hasn't caused you too much trouble when developing your code.
Publisert 22. sep. 2021 13:05

Hi all,

Just a reminder to those looking for a lab partner or an additional member to your existing lab group. There's a thread on our GitHub forum to help you get in touch with each other:

Publisert 20. sep. 2021 21:52

Hi all,

Some of you asked if I could upload my notes for the lecture on Friday, where I went through the Jacobi rotation method. You can download them here.

Also, remember that the method is described in more detail in this document by Morten Hjort-Jensen, which forms the background material for this course.

Publisert 20. sep. 2021 11:34

Hi all,

Due to technical difficulties with Canvas and group changes, we will now lock the groups from the deadline of a project until we're done grading that project. After that we will reopen the groups again to allow you to move to another group before the next deadline. If you have any questions, or for some reason need to change group while the groups are locked, please contact our Canvas guru, Even.

For project 1 there seems to be one case (group 75) where a person has changed group after the deadline, and as a consequence their project 1 submission has disappeared from Canvas. We're soon finished with grading all the other project 1 submissions, so if you haven't received feedback before Thursday morning, please contact us so we can sort it out.

Publisert 20. sep. 2021 11:22

Hi all,

This is a reminder that you need to make sure that we can access your GitHub repositories, so that we can read/test your code when we assess your projects. If you fail to do so you risk getting zero credit for all the effort you put into your code.

To make a GitHub repo public, go to "Settings" --> "Manage access" --> "Manage" --> "Change visibility".


Publisert 18. sep. 2021 16:14

Hi all,
I just noticed that during the lecture on Friday (when talking about problem 3 of project 2) I started talking about comparing against the result from Eigen, when I meant to say Armadillo. Apologies for the confusion.

While we use Armadillo in this course, Eigen is another popular, open-source library for linear algebra in C++. We use Eigen in the GAMBIT project that I work on for my research -- hence the mixup.