Need student representatives for course evaluation

Hi all,

For every course there is a course evaluation at the end of the semester. In this course we'll do it after the final project. The evaluation consists of a short meeting (~1 hour) between us teachers and a few student representatives. In the meeting we discuss the course -- what works well, what should be changed, etc. -- and fill in an evaluation form together.

So we need 2--4 students who can act as student representatives in that meeting. If you are willing to do so, please send me (Anders) an email within the next couple of weeks.

In a few weeks we'll also have a midterm evaluation, in the form of a short, anonymous questionnaire that we kindly ask all of you to complete.


Publisert 5. sep. 2022 12:19 - Sist endret 5. sep. 2022 12:19