Project 3 deadline extension: one extra day

Hi all,

(I assume you all got this message via Canvas yesterday.)

Over the last two days I have received quite a few emails asking for individual deadline extensions for Project 3. So far I have declined these requests, since we have an explicit policy of hard deadlines in this course. (We need this policy in order to keep the schedule, try to be as fair as possible with a large group of students, and to avoid taking up a disproportionate amount of the time compared to other courses.)

However, given the relatively large number of such requests, and the fact that this is the first major project of the course, I have decided to make an exception and extend the deadline for everyone by one day. So the new deadline will be

  Wednesday evening, at 23:59

I hope this helps a bit for those who have been struggling with various technical issues, etc.

Note that this is an exception -- don't assume that there will be similar extensions for Projects 4 and 5. :)

To those who are struggeling to finish: One advice from me is to make sure you at least hand in a report document that contains all the expected sections, even though some of the sections may be a bit thin due to incomplete results. (There are easy points to be made just by e.g. including one or two references, write a dedicated Conclusions section, etc.)

Good luck with finishing your reports! :)


Publisert 26. okt. 2022 00:01 - Sist endret 26. okt. 2022 00:01