
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
28.11.2006? ? Adiabatic spin motion in a magnetic field? Final lecture this semester?
23.11.2006? ? Geometry of quantum states ? ?
21.11.2006? ? Adiabatic evolution and Berry's phase? Homework this week: Study Sects. 5.1.1 and 5.1.2?
16.11.2006? ? Lasers: quantum coherence? ?
14.11.2006? ? Stimulated emission. The principle of lasers.? Homework this week: Problem 16?
09.11.2006? ? Life time and line width? ?
07.11.2006? ? Spontaneous emission? ?
02.11.2006? ? Photon emission and photon absorption? ?
31.10.2006? ? Coherent and incoherent states of light.? Homework this week: Problem 15?
26.10.2006? ? Photons: quanta of the electromagnetic field. ? ?
24.10.2006? ? Classical electromagnetism: Hamiltonian formulation.? Homework this week: Problem 14 (consult the lecture notes about Schmidt decomposition). Study sect. 4.1 of the lecture notes.?
20.10.2006? ? ? Deadline for return of solutions to the midterm exam.?
19.10.2006? ? No lecture? ?
17.10.2006? ? No lecture? ?
13.10.2006? ? ? Text for the Midterm Exam available on the course page. Deadline for return, October 20.?
12.10.2006? ? No lecture? ?
10.10.2006? ? Deutch's algorithm.? No homework problems this week.?
05.10.2006? ? Communication with qubits. Principles for a quantum computer.? ?
03.10.2006? ? Quantum information. An interaction free measurement.? Homework this week: Problem 11 and 13 ?
28.09.2006? ? Bell's inequality. An interaction free measurement.? ?
26.09.2006? ? Entanglement in a two-spin system. The EPR paradox.? Homework this week: Problem 9 and 10?
21.09.2006? ? Entanglement? ?
19.09.2006? ? Density matrices? Homework this week: Problem 6 and 8?
14.09.2006? ? Supersymmetry. Pure and mixed states.? ?
12.09.2006? ? Time evolution of coherent states. The coherent state representation? Homework this week: Problem 4 and 5?
07.09.2006? ? Two-level system and harmonic oscillator. Coherent states.? Self study: Chapter 1.3.2: Spin dynamics and magnetic resonance?
05.09.2006? ? Path integrals and semiclassical approximation: application to the quantum double slit experiment? Homework this week: Problem 1, 2 and 3 from the problem collection.?
31.08.2006? ? Path integrals and the free particle propagator? ?
29.08.2006? ? Quantum mechanics with path integrals? ?
24.08.2006? ? Quantum dynamics? Homework this week: Study chapter 1.1 of the lecture notes. Consult your introductory text book of quantum mechanics if a review of the Dirac formulation (bra/ket vectors and observables) is needed.?
22.08.2006Jon Magne Leinaas? Auditorium 467?? The postulates of quantum mechanics? Introduction to the course, with practical information. We make a summary of basic elements of quantum theory.?
Publisert 22. aug. 2006 10:53 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2006 10:47