
Publisert 8. des. 2020 12:10

Since you get an additional 30 minutes to scan your answers, we start the evaluation meeting 13:45.

Publisert 8. des. 2020 10:43

I was now informed that you have an additional 30 min to scan and prepare the answers to the exam. That means that Inspera should accept your answers until 13:30.

Publisert 3. des. 2020 11:58

We are requested to have an evaluation meeting for all courses. It should be preferably after the exam, so that this can also be discussed. Usually, I have had this just after the exam, and I think this will be convenient also with home exam. Therefore, we will have the evaluation meeting on Tuesday, December 8. at 13:15 on zoom (the usual room). I hope that you will have time and interest in participating, it is very useful for us in improving our courses.

Publisert 3. des. 2020 11:54

As you know, the final exam will be a home exam. The time is still the same as was planned: Tuesday, December 8. 9:00-13:00. The exam will be distributed and answers given in Inspera like for the midterm exam. Since the time is short, I recommend to use handwritten solutions and scan/photograph them. Test in advance how to prepare a single .pdf file from your written pages, so you do not spend unnecessary time on this during the exam.

The format of the exam will be similar to previous years, except that since it is home exam, you are permitted to use any material that you may need. You may not ask other persons or discuss with other students.

Usually, I come to the exam to answer any questions about the problem set. This will be on zoom for the home exam. The faculty has requested that I am available on zoom at 10:00, the zoom room is (same as for the lectures). During the exam, the room will have a waiting room, so th...

Publisert 30. nov. 2020 23:43

Tuesday, 1/12 at 12:15 (the usual time) we will have a final session with questions and answers before the exam. In the usual zoom-room. Note that to test the system before the questions during the exam, the room will now have a waiting room, and you may have to wait a short (hopefully) time before being allowed in.

Publisert 22. nov. 2020 23:53

The coming week, we will have problem solving on Monday 23/11 as usual (Problem set 13).

On Tuesday 24/11 I will  discuss on Zoom the two last prerecorded lectures (on the Lindblad equation for TLS and HO)

In addition to the two pre-recorded lectures, I have updated the additional lecture notes with all the material on solving the Lindblad equation in some examples.

On Wednesday 25/11 we will have Zoom lecture with no predefined content. You can ask about any topic you would like to discuss, any practical issues with exam etc. I have been asked whether we can also have a session with questions the next week, which I think is a good idea, I will post details later.



Publisert 16. nov. 2020 23:44

I will try to record part of the lectures in advance of the Zoom lectures, so that technical parts with calculations are covered and we can focus on and discuss the meaning in the Zoom lectures. I recommend that you see these lectures before the Zoom lecture. You will find a link at the bottom of the course page

Publisert 12. nov. 2020 10:44

In the department we have a small quantum optics laboratory, and they offer to give you a demonstration of how to create and measure entangled photon pairs. If you are interested, you should contant Arnt Inge Vistnes ( directly to arrange a time. It takes about 30 minutes, and he estimates that there is space for 2-3 students to come together and still keep good distance. Of course, you do not learn very much that you do not know, but it is still interesting to see how things look in real life.

Publisert 10. nov. 2020 22:41

I have now posted the results of the midterm exam on the webpage. You do not get a grade, just the score. Each question is 5 points, maximal total is 100 points. If you have any questions regarding the grading, please contact me.

Publisert 9. nov. 2020 16:07

I now received the instruction that all teaching is to be digital, starting from Wednesday, Nov. 11. This means that I will give a physical lecture tomorrow, and then digital on Wednesday.

Publisert 8. nov. 2020 22:26

So far, I have not received any order that we cancel physical teaching in the course, since we are a small number of students. So until further notice, we will continue as before, with normal lectures, Zoom streaming and recording (I have reported the issue with lack of sound last week, but I have not received any confirmation that it is fixed, so I can not promise anything for this week, we will have to try and see).

Publisert 25. okt. 2020 13:41

I have now posted the solutions to the midterm exam on the webpage. Tell me if you find mistakes or misprints, it makes our grading easier if we become aware of mistakes early. 

Publisert 22. okt. 2020 11:22

As you have been informed, the faculty has decided not to conduct any written final exams physically. The final exam will therefore be home exam instead. The time will be the same as was intended for the school exam, so you will still have only 4 hours from the problems are published until you have to give the solutions. This means that the exam will be in the same format as previous final exams.

Publisert 22. okt. 2020 11:19

Starting on Monday, we will have  new room for the problem session, room ?257. I hope that this will be better than Origo, there should be no other students disturbing the classes.

Publisert 20. okt. 2020 20:30

There was a misprint in the midterm exam, problem 2l). The states should be psi_1 and psi_2, not psi and phi as was written. The corrected version is now on the webpage (I also changed it in Inspera, but I do not know if this change appears in exams that already are in progress).

Publisert 19. okt. 2020 09:31

This week we have no regular teaching during the midterm exam. On Tuesday at the usual time and place (12:15 in LilleFy), I will come to answer questions about the midterm exam.

Publisert 18. sep. 2020 10:23

Next week, on Wednesday 23/9, we will discuss protocols for quantum cryptography. To prepare, it is useful to understand something about classical codes, and as a challenge to you I have prepared a secret message that you can try to decrypt:


"Zvd zvpvyb lzvdc imcq dktat qkt pvmzysab ptqdttz qkt jhsccgjsh
szy omszqme yvesgz gc cgqmsqty. Evcq utth qksq trwtagetzqsh
cdgqjk ctqqgznc szy wvgzqta atsygznc sat vz qkgc cgyt. Pmq cvet
dvmhy qkgzl qkt pvmzysab ztsata, vqktac dvmhy qkgzl gq usaqkta,
szy eszb dvmhy watuta zvq qv qkgzl spvmq gq. Gz usjq, qkt esqqta
gc vu ftab hgqqht gewvaqszjt gz wasjqgjt. Qkgc gc ptjsmct vu qkt
geetzct yguutatzjt gz cjsht ptqdttz qkgznc uva dkgjk
omszqme-etjkszgjsh ytcjagwqgvz gc zmetagjshhb tcctzqgsh szy qkvct
vaygagzsaghb wtajtwqgpht pb kmesz ptgznc. Ztftaqkthtcc, qkt

Publisert 18. sep. 2020 10:20

Next week, we have no problem session. Instead, we will have a lecture also on the Monday.  The lecture will be in StoreFy  instead of the usual room. Time as usual, 14:15-16.

The week after, we will have no lectures, and discuss problems instead. Times and places as usual.

Publisert 3. sep. 2020 22:08

Starting this week, we will try recording the lectures (only the Tuesday lecture is available yet, I will try to see what happened to the Wednesday  one). You find them under "Timeplan" on the course page. If no students present request English, I will lecture in Norwegian, unless someone wants English for the recordings.


Publisert 26. aug. 2020 21:32

I did not hear any objections, and many approvals of the suggestion to change the dates for the midterm exam. So it will be from October 16. to 23. I usually arrange to meet those who are interested some time during that week to clarify unclear or difficult points in the problems. Probably it will be at the usual time and place for the lectures on Tuesday 20/10, but I will give final notice later.

Publisert 20. aug. 2020 15:14

The midterm exam in FYS4170 is on October 16. and several students take this together with FYS4110. They suggest to delay the midterm home exam to start on the Friday instead of the Monday, so that it will be from 16. to 23. of October.Does anyone have problems with this? Or are there other dates that are better? Write comments on Padlet if you have any

Publisert 17. aug. 2020 10:47

We are starting the lectures this week. At present we are allowed to give regular lectures with students present for smaller courses like FYS4110. But we are also required to have some digital alternative for students who are not able to, or do not wish to attend. This will be on Zoom, the necessary link will be distributed later (either on the course page or e-mail, check you uio-account). Whether recordings of the lectures will be available later or not is not clarified yet, there are several rules and regulations that I have not understood yet. In any case, I believe that you will learn much more by actively participating in the lectures than passively watching later, so I hope to see all of you in the lecture room (LilleFy) tomorrow.
