Prerecorded lectures

Here you find lectures that will be assumed to be seen before the zoom lectures and be the starting points for discussions

Tuesday, Novmber 17:

About the connection between linewidth and lifetime


Wednesday, November 18.

Derivation of the Lindblad equation. NOTE: This lecture is quite technical, and I do not assume that you are able to reproduce, or even follow in detail, all the steps. I have recorded it for reference, and to show that a derivation is possible, but the essential ideas can be understood without following all details. And using the Lindblad equation in simple examples is perfetly possible without understanding the details of the derivation



Tuesday, November 24. 

Example 1: The Lindblad equation for a two level system at finite temperature


Example 2: The Lindblad equation for a harmonic oscillator

Publisert 16. nov. 2020 23:38 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2020 23:35