Problem set solutions

Hi everyone

Some logistical info: I'll post selected problem set solutions the Friday after that problem set is due, starting this week. I'll also be grading your problem sets and giving you feedback every Friday.

I'll grade one question per week, but not if you * only * submit one problem (out of the usual three or four). The point is not to be too strict with the grading, however; it's more to give help where needed, and for you to engage with the problems as the course develops. 

A reminder that problem set 1 is due at midnight tonight. Problem sets are in general due then, every Tuesday. (Though the time is not enforced strictly. If it's five minutes after midnight or 1am or 2am - that's obviously fine. Basically make sure it's in my inbox by the time I check them on Wednesday morning; my email address is ). 

The problem set hand-ins comprise 10% of the GR grade. This isn't a lot, but it can help shift a grade up or down a symbol!



Publisert 26. jan. 2021 09:38 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2021 09:47