Welcome to FYS4160 !

The course starts on Friday, January 15, with an introductionary lecture -- mostly explaining how the course is set up, its 'rules' and what will be covered. As everything these days this will happen on zoom, and the link for that will stay the same throughout the term.

Before that, you should by all means try to fresh up your knowledge from previous courses!

Starting from week 3, lectures will typically be on Tuesdays at 12.15pm and on Fridays at 10.15am, while exercise classes will typically be on Wednesdays, at 12.15pm. All these events would take place in the Kristian Birkeland auditorium (?157) - and will, as soon as things get closer to being normal again - but until further notice everything is online. A separate link for the exercise sessions will follow.

Welcome to the fascinating (virtual) world of General Relativity!

Torsten Bringmann

Publisert 5. jan. 2021 08:40 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2021 12:37