Two important notes: 1. Those …

Two important notes: 1. Those who have not chosen a topic for the project work, please contact me as soon as possible 2. The lectures this week will be held at Rikshospitalet, department of Medical Technology. (Medisinsk-teknologisk Virksomhetsomr?de). Take the tram to Rikshospitalet and choose the main entrance. You will then come right into what's called the glass corridor. (Take a look at the ceiling and you'll see why). Walk through the glass corridor until you find entrance D2 on your left hand. Take the elevator to the third floor and go right when you leave the elevator. Continue through a glass door into a long, closed corridor filled with beds. When this corridor ends, take to the right and you've found the right place. If lost, call me at 979 56 729.

Publisert 29. okt. 2012 10:02 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2013 13:18