
Publisert 3. des. 2013 13:24

The compendium in ultrasound (Lecture 13) was missing, but is reloaded now (see teaching material). Sorry for that! Please remember that the compendium is for your understanding, the lectures defines what you should know about each topic.

Good luck with the final spurt, see you on thursday/friday! :-)


Publisert 28. nov. 2013 11:00

For those of you who have still not submitted your course evaluation, please bring it to your exam on the 5th or 6th of Desember or send me an email with the evaluation attached. Feedback is highly appreciated! :-)

Publisert 25. nov. 2013 10:12

There will be no additional compendium for lecture 16. Basically, I think you've already got enough reading material, and the available publications and textbooks on this topic are far too extensive for this course. If you have any questions regarding this lecture (or other lectures), please feel free to ask!

Publisert 19. nov. 2013 14:24

The date, time and place for your final exam is now published, please find your name in the "fys4250-oppslag-dag1.pdf" or "fys4250-oppslag-dag2.pdf". Good luck with your preparations! :-)

Publisert 18. nov. 2013 11:03

Because a lot of you have already seen the 3T MR-scanner at the Interventional centre, we try to minimize the time in the MR and visit the Angio-laboratory instead. It would be very useful if you could send me an email and tell me wether you'll participate in the guided tour or not.

Publisert 18. nov. 2013 10:57

The extra curriculum for FYS 9250 is now published in the "Teaching material" folder (3 publications)

Publisert 14. nov. 2013 13:33

The visit at Rikshospitalet is scheduled to Friday 22. November from 12.00 - 14.00. 


Road map:

Walk in the main entrance at Rikshospitalet, and walk into the glas corridor (The main corridor with a glas-roof) until you find entrance B2 on the left hand side. Take the elevator up to the third floor, and walk straight to the right into a corridor with a lot of beds along the wall. When you come out of the corridor, you'll see Medisinsk-teknologisk virksomhetsomr?de to the right. Ask for me in the entrance and follow the instructions. 


Publisert 7. nov. 2013 22:12

Please find at Teaching-material

Publisert 7. nov. 2013 12:50

The sensor-guidance is now published in the "teaching-material" folder (Midtterm exam autumn 2013 final version med sensorvurdering.doc). Please feel free to send your candidate-number to your sensor:

for an explanation of your mid-term mark and a short evaluation of your answers.

Publisert 4. nov. 2013 11:57

The results are now available here:


Keep in mind that this exam will count for 40% of the final mark, a good start for those who made a good exam and 60% left to improve the mark for those who are not satisfied with the results so far!

Publisert 30. okt. 2013 15:08

Please find the new time-schedule at teaching-material, and pay attention to the dates of the visit (22. november) and your final exam (5 and 6. December). The final exam will count for 60% of the final mark and is an oral exam.

Publisert 30. okt. 2013 06:57

Even if the time-schedule says something else, all lectures 1-16 will be held at FYS. Only the visit at Rikshospitalet (not scheduled yet) will be held at Rikshospitalet.

Publisert 8. okt. 2013 09:16

Remember that there is no lectures in week 41 due to the midterm exams.

Publisert 26. sep. 2013 08:19

Important message about the midterm exam: The midterm exam will be based on the first 8 lectures only, not lecture 9 and 10. There will be a short repetition of the highlights on friday the 4th of October.

Publisert 11. sep. 2013 22:50

Lecture 3 and 4 are now available, and there will be an amendment to lecture 4 compendium added later. Keep in mind that there is no lectures this week, but we continue next week with lecture 5.

Publisert 3. sep. 2013 14:11

Compendium for lecture 3 is now published, welcome to tomorrows lecture at 10.15, on Wednesday

Publisert 22. aug. 2013 08:34

Please find the first lecture in "Teaching-material". For password, send me an e-mail ( or wait until tomorrows lecture

Publisert 22. aug. 2013 08:29

NB! There will be no lectures next week (Week 35, 26-30.08).

Publisert 19. aug. 2013 15:30

Please have a look at the "teaching- material" folder where you will find both a time schedule for this autumn and the first two chapters of your compendium.

More chapters will be published consecutively

Publisert 9. aug. 2013 14:28

Welcome to FYS 4250!

First lecture will be Wednesday 21.08, at 10.15. Some information about this course:

- There will be no single text-book for this course, but a compendium that will be handed out

- There will be 16 regular lectures, 1 visit at Oslo University Hospital, 1 mid-term exam and a final exam

- All lectures are based on Problem-based learning. Each lecture starts with a medical case that we will follow through the clinical course. The technical issues will be attached to the clinical needs and discussed based on a clinical angle as they appear in the progress