
Publisert 5. des. 2014 19:04


This is the final mark for your exams


101   -   D

102   -   D

104   -   C

107   -   No show

108   -   C

109   -   B

110   -   C

113   -   B

Publisert 1. des. 2014 16:31

Please find the two PDF's in vedlegg. Good luck!

Publisert 20. nov. 2014 09:50

Good luck with your exam-preparations!

Publisert 12. nov. 2014 14:53

Hi everybody

Final exam will be Thursday 04. of Desember and Friday 05. of Desember. Please give me a sign which day you prefer. (

Last lecture will be a repetition of the lecture 9-16 on monday of November.'

Your mid-term exam results will be sent to you soon, a misunderstanding had blocked the transmission

Publisert 20. okt. 2014 14:55

Please find the updated time schedule with required reading in vedlegg (ver 0.97)

Publisert 1. okt. 2014 09:31

In order to improve the theoretical background and supply the deficiencies of the text-book, I've uploaded a publication dealing with NIRS in cerebral oximetry. (See vedlegg)

Publisert 1. okt. 2014 07:57

Please feel free to choose your native language at your Mid-term exam as long as it is Norwegian or English. :-)

Publisert 30. sep. 2014 14:16

Please find the last year mid-term exam in the "vedlegg"-folder. New in the folder is also the repetition ppt, and some extra information files about topics that is poorly handled in the textbook.

Publisert 19. sep. 2014 15:33

Please find the updated time schedule with required reading in "Vedlegg", this is now updated up to your midterm exam. I have also included some compendium for your understanding. Please note that even chapters that is not mentioned in the list might be useful for your basic understanding. (E.g. Chapter 3, amplifiers)

Publisert 7. sep. 2014 21:58

Please find the relevant curriculum in chapter 10.1 - 10.7 for lecture 4 in the textbook. 

Publisert 1. sep. 2014 20:31

Please find the relevant text in chapter 13.3 in the textbook and the extra curriculum (lecture-3-cardiopulmonary-bypass.pdf) in the vedlegg-folder

Publisert 31. aug. 2014 21:25

You will find the theoretical background for lecture 2 in chapter 7.1 - 7.13 (Not from 7.14) in the textbook (Webster). Please find last lecture in the "vedlegg"-folder

Publisert 15. aug. 2014 13:22

The time-schedule has now been published (see the "Vedlegg" folder in the menu to the left), please note that there is no lecture tuesday 19.08, monday 25.08 and tuesday 26.08!

Publisert 11. aug. 2014 16:05

First lecture will be Monday 18.08, at 12.15. Some information about this course:

- We will use Webster Biomedical Instrumentaion for this course, with a compendium supporting the text-book

- There will be 16 regular lectures, 1 visit at Oslo University Hospital, 1 mid-term exam and a final exam

- All lectures are based on Problem-based learning. Each lecture starts with a medical case that we will follow through the clinical course. The technical issues will be attached to the clinical needs and discussed based on a clinical angle as they appear in the progress

Looking forward to meet you!