
Publisert 15. feb. 2018 04:51

Hi all,
just a quick update before tomorrow's lecture, with plans for the weeks to come.
Tomorrow we will discuss further the technicalities needed in connection with the setup of the Jastrow factor and the implementation of importance sampling. This is covered by the variational Monte Carlo slides. After this we will start discussing methods for finding optimal variational parameters before we start the large Monte Carlo machinery. In particular we will discuss the conjugate gradient method. This is covered by the slides on the conjugate gradient and other optimization methods slides, see
We will continue with the conjugate gradient method next Thursday as well, that is
Thursday Feb 15: VMC technicalities plus start optimization methods
Thursday Feb 22: Conjugate method and o...

Publisert 7. feb. 2018 21:18

Due to a funeral there is no lecture on the 8th of February. Only lab from 1415 to 19. I recommend that you read the slides from slide 28  to slide 64 at

Try to get started with coding importance sampling. There will be a regular lecture on Thursday the 15th and the 22nd. 

Publisert 23. jan. 2018 16:49

Dear All, our lectures from 1415 to 16 will be at FV329 for the rest of the semester.

Publisert 23. jan. 2018 16:00

Hi all, I hope you had an excellent weekend. 
Last week we used the first hour to present the course content and possible projects. Thereafter we started with a discussion of variational Monte carlo methods and linked the 
discussion to project 1.
All the material can be found at and for better viewing of slides etc go to

The introductory slides to the course are at for example
while the Variational Monte Carlo slides are at

We had some problems with the recording of the lectures last week. The video at
does thus not contain all material. I will however repe...

Publisert 12. jan. 2018 00:16

Dear All, first of all happy new year. And welcome to FYS4411!   Thanks for opting for this course. I hope you won't be disappointed.

Our first lecture is this coming Thursday at 215pm, room FV311. For those of you who cannot attend, the lectures will be recorded. Furthermore, you can attend remotely via zoom.

I will, if you tell me know  beforehand, send you an invitation and you can then attend the lecture remotely. Or just watch the video at your convenience.

The lab sessions start at 415pm, room FV329, both rooms at the department of Physics.    The lab ends at 7pm. Our last lab session is May 10. There is no exam, only project work. The two projects count 50% each of the final mark. 

The deadline for project 1 is March 16 while the deadline for project 2 is June 1.   These are tentative deadlines, and should aid you in planning your spring semester.

All lect...