Plans for week 39, September 26-30

Hi everybody, we hope the week has started the best possible way.
Last week we discussed the so-called particle-hole formalism nd we used that to rewrite our basis of Slater determinants in terms of  particle-hole excitations. The material is covered by Shavitt and Bartlett chapters 3 and 4 and the lecture notes.
This week the plan is 
Topics to be covered


Repetition of particle-hole formalism

Diagrammatic representation

Introduction of full configuration interaction theory


Full configuration interaction (FCI) theory

Lipkin model as an example of applications of FCI theory

Lecture Material: These slides, handwritten notes and for the diagrammatic representation, Shavitt and bartlett chapter 4.

Fifth exercise set at

Best wishes to you all,
Morten and ?yvind

Publisert 27. sep. 2022 15:37 - Sist endret 27. sep. 2022 15:37