Plans for week 45, November 7-11

Hi all, 

last week we continued our discussion of many-body perturbation theory, with diagrammatic examples as well as starting a discussion of time-dependent theory. We will continue with time-dependent theory and discussion of diagrams this week as well before we move on to Coupled cluster theory, which is our last many-body method covered in this semester. 

In connection with time-dependent many-body theory we will also discuss the adiabatic hypothesis and the linked diagram theorem and so-called unlinked diagrams. 

The plans for this week are 

Lecture Thursday:

-Adiabatic hypothesis and linked diagram theorem. Slides at

 -Examples of diagrams and discussion of Pauli violating diagrams. Handwritten notes and discussion of exercise 1, week 45

Lecture Friday:

 - Summary of perturbation theory and start discussion of Coupled Cluster theory

    o Video of lecture at

Lecture Material: Slides, handwritten notes and Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 4-6

Ninth exercise set at

Best wishes to you all,

Morten and ?yvind

Publisert 9. nov. 2022 07:22 - Sist endret 9. nov. 2022 07:22