Plans for week 46

Dear all, 

due to the school on quantum computing with many of you attending it, the lectures Thursday 1015am-12pm and Friday 1015am-12pm will be recorded only. However, for those of you who can be there, we plan to discuss the second midterm (due December 5 at midnight) 815am-10am. The second midterm is available at

The videos will be added asap. 

The topics to be covered are thus

###  Week 46, November 14-18, 2022

- Topics to be covered

  -  Thursday lecture 10am-12pm (recording only):

    - Summary many-body perturbation theory and discussion of Coupled Cluster theory

    - Video of lecture to be added

  - Friday Lecture 10am-12pm (recording only):

    - Coupled Cluster theory with doubles excitations

    - Diagrammatic representation of Coupled Cluster theory

    - Video of lecture to be added

- Lecture Material: These slides, handwritten notes and Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 9

- Friday exercise session 815am-10am:

- Work on second midterm set at


Publisert 16. nov. 2022 15:29 - Sist endret 16. nov. 2022 15:29