Plans for week 45

Dear all, here are our plans for week 45. The weekly slides do not contain all material. The material on the interaction picture are given in separate latex slides. On Friday we will begin at 11 and finish at 12pm. This is due to Pascal Sado's thesis defense (Morten is a member of the PhD committee).

Best wishes to you all, Morten and Stian

===== Week 45, November 6-10, 2023 =====

* Topics to be covered

  * Thursday:

    o Many-body perturbation theory, discussion of contributions and diagrammatic representation (whiteboard notes)

    o Diagram rules (whiteboard notes)

  * Friday:

    o Examples of diagrams and discussion of Pauli violating diagrams (Whiteboard notes)

    o Time-dependent perturbation theory, definitions of Schroedinger, Heisenberg and interaction picture, see slides at

* Lecture Material: Slides at handwritten notes and Shavitt and Bartlett chapter 4-6

* Ninth exercise set at

Publisert 8. nov. 2023 16:06 - Sist endret 8. nov. 2023 16:06