Semesterside for FYS3410 - V?r 2012

Dear All,

as agreed earlier, the examination is taking place during the 15-16/3 at room 3202 at Kristen Nygaards hus (known also as IFI-1 or Informatikkbygningen). The directions kan be found at

Best regards, Andrej.

11. mars 2012 16:04

Dear All, during weeks 9 and 10 we will study properties of semiconductors, metals, p-n, and Schottky junctions in some further detials. This material corresponds to Kittel's Chapters 8 and 9 and 17.

27. feb. 2012 08:33

Dear All, during weeks 7 and 8 we will work with want I call Module 3 of the course and it will be devoted to "electrons and energy bands" corresponding to Kittel's Chapters 6 and 7 and Appendix D.

12. feb. 2012 15:25