Semesterside for FYS3410 - V?r 2018


Dear All,


please check at the course homepage whether the data concerning your mandatory deliveries and the exam registration are correct. It is specifically for missed deliveries/registrations.




23. mai 2018 14:56

Dear All.

Exercise 7 from the Module III list and  3 and 5 from Module IV list are selected for the mandatory delivery. The delivery dead-line is end of the office day the  25th of May.



15. mai 2018 12:52

Dear All.

The lecture on the 15th of May is canceled.

The lecture on the 22nd of May remains and will be given by Dag Kristian Dysthe.





14. mai 2018 16:15

Dear All.

The exam information is available at the FYS3410-website. The exam can be done in English or in Norwegian.

Please, check the information and choose a preferable time of your examination - of those available one-hour-slots; please email your request to me. 

Please note, this will not work as a perfect on-line booking system, but I will try to update the schedule gradually - so you may see it at the website what time slots are available. 




6. mai 2018 16:42

Dear All.

The 30/4 seems to be a single workday squeezed between a holiday and a weekend. From experience I have, it is likely to anticipate quite low attendance to lectures on such days and because of that I propose to cancel this lecture.




25. apr. 2018 14:45