Lecturer's round

During the final exam, you are allowed to ask questions to the lecturers in case you do not understand an exam task. Here are the different possibilities:

  • Zoom (recommended): https://uio.zoom.us/j/65510505137
    (To avoid multiple students at the same time in the meeting, this room has the "waiting room" feature enabled. Thus, you might need to wait a short time before being able to enter the meeting.)
  • Email: audun.josang@mn.uio.nonilsgrus@ifi.uio.no
    (Write questions always to both addresses.)
  • Telephone: 22845524 (Audun J?sang) or 22840858 (Nils Gruschka)
Publisert 11. nov. 2020 14:25 - Sist endret 2. des. 2020 07:44