[ROS PROJECT] Delivery and Presentation

To pass the ROS project you will need to upload your source code and a readme to devilry before 23:59, Monday 13th of May. The readme should briefly describe:

- The functionality of your program, and the difference (if any) from the program you proposed to create.
- How to run each of your launch files and scripts.

Presentation of the project is optional, but recommended. Those that wish to test their code on a real robot can prepare to do this in the group session at Wednesday 15th of May (10:15-12:00, at Limbo). We recommend everyone to show up to at 10:15, to work with old exam problems. We will try to answer questions and help you out, between presentations.

The delivery of a short report of the project is optional, but welcome. This would be in addition to the mandatory delivery of source code and readme as requested above.

Publisert 7. mai 2019 15:20 - Sist endret 7. mai 2019 15:20