

Introduction - 1

Inverse kinematics I - 4

- Updated the solution for the analytic approach for \(d^*_3\)

Inverse kinematics II - 5

- Algebraic solution for cylindrical and two linked revolute manipulator

Velocity Kinematics - 7

- Updated some of the slides and published the matlab codes

- Python code has been uploaded, the determinant for the code is unfinished for the time-being. 

(Forward-kinematics, Inverse-kinematics and Jacobian is solved. )

Dynamics I - 9

- Uploaded matlab code for 3 -DOF Spherical manipulator and 2-Link Planar Robotic Manipulator

-Update 14.04.2021: Added missing parenthesis around velocity and angular terms in K_1 and K_2.  

Dynamics II - 10

Update 16.04.2021: The C(q,q_dot)-matrix has been updated to the correct symbolic expressions. 

Extra curricular stuff - 13

Update 28.05.2021: Removed and the mandatory assignment 3-solution from the slides.