
Publisert 16. mai 2024 13:49
  • All the lecture notes listed in the schedule. Both from the main courses and guest lecturers (including ROS and Evolutionary Robotics)
  • The following course book chapters, which were mentioned in the lectures:
    Note: The chapter numbering is from Spong 2005, chapter numbering might be different in Spong 2020. (Refer to the table below)
    • Chapter 1 – Introduction
    • Chapter 2 - Rigid Motions and Homogeneous Transformations
    • Chapter 3 - Forward and Inverse Kinematics
    • Chapter 4 - Velocity Kinematics - The Jacobian
    • ...
Publisert 8. mai 2024 14:02

Hiii everyone :)

Here's a bit more information regarding assignment 5. 

Assignment 5 is a voluntary assignment where you can test your simulation from updated assignment 4 (Task 5) on the real CrustCrawler. This task will be discussed during the group lesson as well so don't worry about it, just think about how to solve that task (that's more important) ?

For those who want to try out the code on the real robot, you must meet up to your assigned group lessons:

- Group 1: Friday 10th May  14.15 - 16:00

- Group 2: Monday  13th May, 12.15 -14.00

There you will be divided into smaller groups and can then test out the simulation on the CrustCrawler ?

- OJ & Gruppel?rerne?

Publisert 2. mai 2024 20:40

Hii! ?

The links in oblig 4 for the ROS setup are outdated as accidentally an older version of the Assignment file was uploaded (we apologise for that ??). This was mentioned during group lessons and lectures, however for those who weren’t there we are uploading the updated Assignment 4. We understand the deadline is tomorrow but this Assignment text is similar to the previous one and differs only in the instructions for ROS setup and an addition of last voluntary task for Assignment 5. ?

Please check mandatory assignment for the updated assignment text. 

- OJ & Group Teachers ? 

Publisert 24. apr. 2024 09:44

Dear all, 

The guest lecturer Kim Mathiassen that where going to have the second part of Control Yheory today will do that next week instead.


Tomorrows lecture will be focusing on examles on exam relevant topics on your request.




Ole Jakob 

Publisert 18. jan. 2024 13:20


First official introduction group session for group 2 is this Friday 19 January :))

Hilsen, OJ & gruppel?rerne ?


Publisert 18. jan. 2024 13:12

Velkommen til oppstartsforelesning i "Introduksjon til Robotikk" idag torsdag 18.januar 2024 kl. 14.15-16:00.

Forelesningen s?ker ? gi en overordnet oversikt over de fleste temaene vi skal g? n?rmere inn i utover vinteren og v?ren. Den vil ogs? forh?pentligvis v?re motiverende i forhold til hvorfor det er viktig ? l?re de temaene som vi har lagt opp til.


Det vil bare bli lagt opp til fysisk deltakelse p? forelesningene og de vil ikke tilbys digitalt.


Jeg ?nsker med dette ? ?nske dere alle vel m?tt p? vegne av med selv og gruppel?rere.


Vennlig hilsen

Ole Jakob Elle

Fagl?rer IN3140/IN4140