IN5050 - Non-mandatory Assignment 1

First non-mandatory assignment in IN5050. The assignment will be discussed in the group lecture on February 7th.

Tasks for non-mandatory assignment 1:

  • Download the Motion JPEG encoder from Bitbucket
  • The MJPEG code is an unoptimized single-threaded encoder. This code will also be used for the second non-mandatory assignments in the course.
  • Try to apply some of the SIMD optimizations presented in the first lecture. Parts of the SSE code is available on the course web pages; other parts are on slides. Use profiling and benchmarks to see how this improves the execution time of your program.
  • Test the MJPEG unmodified MJPEG code on one of the Jetson AGX Xavier development kits. Use ARM NEON to optimize the encoder, with a focus on the DCT-part of the code.
    • To get access to a Jetson AGX Xavier development kit, you need to find a group partner and send an e-mail to the course administration (in5050 (at)
Publisert 23. jan. 2020 13:37 - Sist endret 23. jan. 2020 13:39