IN5050 Best Poster & Presentation Award 2022


The Best Poster & Presentation Award is an award for the student group that made a poster for presenting the Home Exams that combines the excellent presentation of results with good humor and style. This award is selected by an independent jury member that is not involved with the evaluation of the assignments in the course. All students that present a poster for the home exam are automatically entered in this competition.



The IN5050 team wants to congratulate the winners of the "2022 IN5050 Best Poster & Presentation Award"

Home Exam 1: Video Encoding on ARMv8 using ARM NEON Instructions

Luk Burchard & Jonas Lunde (Group 4)


Home Exam 2: Video Encoding on Tegra Xavier using the CUDA framework




Home Exam 3: Distributed Video Encoding using Dolphin PCI Express Networks