Home Exams

Important dates and delivery times for the Home Exams in IN5050

Home Exam 1

  • Design Document: Thursday February 15th, 12:00 (e-mail)
  • Code Delivery: Thursday February 29th, 23:59 (Devilry)
  • Documentation Delivery: Monday March 4th, 14:00 (Devilry)

Home Exam 2

  • Design Document: Thursday March 21st, 12:00 (e-mail)
  • Code Delivery: Tuesday April 16th, 14:00 (Devilry)
  • Documentation Delivery: Tuesday April 16th, 14:00 (Devilry)

Home Exam 3

  • Design Document: Friday May 3rd, 12:00 (e-mail)
  • Code Delivery: Friday May 24th, 23:59 (Devilry)
  • Documentation Delivery: Tuesday May 28th, 14:00 (Devilry)
Publisert 26. jan. 2024 12:45 - Sist endret 26. apr. 2024 08:31