Mock exam feedback

Dear all

We sent out the schedule for the mock-exam feedback app. 2 weeks ago (see below) on the e-mail lists for the course. Unfortunately we have just learned that there appears to be a problem with these as some appear not to have received this (but please check your UiO-mails). If possible, please come to your assigned time slots, but if you are blocked as you were not aware of this, please send us an e-mail, and so we can schedule a separate meeting with you.

And please notice that the meetings take place on Troels' office on 6th floor. 


Apologies for any inconvenience,

Troels and Alex


  Wednesday, November 15th Friday, November 17th
10.00-10.10 Alarab, Zainab Ahmed, Salman Ardalen
10.10-10.20 Boix Escolan, Axel Andresen, Mona
10.20-10.30 Cere-Imboden, Julien Br?then, Marius
10.30-10.40 Dahal, Amrit Grimm, Mirko
11.00-11.10   Hellerud, Jostien Bleken
11.10-11.20 Mathus, Radhika Nguyen, Norah
11.20-11.30 Memon, Bakhtawar R?rnes, Kristin Marie
11.30-11.40 N?ss, Mathias Svalestuen, Kjetil
11.40-11.50 Paramanathan, Johan Vancura, Tobias
12.10-12.20 Rognerud, Hanna Wenger, Matthias
12.20-12.30 Haugse, Sara Bj?nnes Johansson, Birk
12.30-12.40 Kirupanithy, Niruja Amundsen, Linda Fredrikke
12.40-12.50 Espeland, Martin Hauglid, Karl Thomas
12.50-13.00 Simonsen, Linett Waisi, Dersim
Publisert 15. nov. 2017 09:33 - Sist endret 15. nov. 2017 09:33