Exam FAQ 2017

Question: Is there a particular reference style for the exam, or can we freely choose between the most known (Harvard, APA, MLA)?

Answer: There is no particular style used in this course. We recommend that you chose one of the most well-known (like Harvard, APA or MLA).

Question: Assignment 1 asks for a summary of the article. Is it enough to answer 1a and 1b to do this?

Answer: “Assignment 1: Read and summarize the research article” was just meant as a heading. You are only to answer question 1a and 1b.

Question: Are we allowed to use any literature or should we stick to the articles in the core syllabus? 

Answer: You are allowed to use other literature where it is relevant. Still, my recommendation is to primarily focus on the core syllabus. And if you are using other literature it is very important that you refer to it properly.

Question: When will the exam be?

Answer: The exam will be made available online on Monday, November 20ieth, at 09:00. The deadline to hand it in is Tuesday, December 12th, at 12:00. 



Publisert 21. juni 2017 11:44 - Sist endret 4. des. 2017 19:33