About the exam

The exam will contain exercises similar to previous year, but be larger to correspond to two working days done in a 7-day period.
The exam exercise setwill consist of a  PDF-file in Inspera. 
You will get requests to prepare ONE file (PDF or zip) to upload. The exam text will tell you the type of file you should submit.

The exam must be your individual work.


PhD-students: threshold for pass will be B as usual. Please aim to answer all questions as perfect as possible to make sure you pass.

To prepare for the exam, solve previous year's exams. The exercises and solution hints are now under material/examexercises.

Group sessions will now be on request as 1-to-1 zoom sessions with Milena, Anne or Tollef. Send an email to request.

The repetition lecture will be 27.5 on zoom.
Please email us your wishes about topics to explain again, or previous exam exercises to explain.

Publisert 8. mai 2020 14:40 - Sist endret 8. mai 2020 14:40