Week 3

This week we will learn how to build a vanilla dense neural network classifier.


Lecture notes are here

Recommended reading material and external resources

Note on backpropagation from CS 231n see here

Details on backpropagation for a simple network are here

Recommended video with many example of computational graphs from CS231n is here


The assignment this week contains no programming as this weeks lecture content will be a large part of mandatory assignment 1. Most tasks in the exercise this week is considered background knowledge, but basic derivation skills will be tested at the exam. A supplementary resource that can be useful is linked below (most relevant up until Proposition 10).


Assignment (pdf)

Solution (pdf)

Exercise resource (pdf)

Notes about the external resource:

  • Their Jacobian is the transpose of the one presented in the exercise and the lecture.
  • The expression in e.g. eq. (44) is the transpose of the gradient, by their element position convention of the gradient and Jacobian.
Publisert 23. jan. 2020 16:08 - Sist endret 29. jan. 2020 09:21