Teaching on May 13th

Hi everyone! We will post the exam prep questions on the course website at 9:00 as usual. You discuss in groups sometime during the day, and then we will meet in Zoom at 15:00. Note that the questions are meant for reflection and as a preparation for the oral exam, and there are no "right" answers. So don't get too focused on searching for definitions in the papers, but use what you have learned in the course. The groups are:

Group 1: Viljar, Live, Karl-Otto and Radoslaw

Group 2: Chris, Anna, Nathalie and Bj?rn-Andreas

Group 3: Florian, Kristoffer and Vetle

Let us know if you can't make it!

Publisert 13. mai 2020 07:53 - Sist endret 13. mai 2020 07:53