
Publisert 16. nov. 2023 10:50

Some clarification for the third individual assignment:

  • The assignment should consist of updated versions of assignments 1 & 2 - updated with changes made in line with the peer reviews and your reflection throguhout the course. 
  • You do not need to highlight or showcase what has been changed from peer reviews.
  • The assignment should be published in the folder with the other assignments

Some of you may experience trouble with publishing files in Vortex. There have been error messages stating that there are too many characters in the introduction. I have sent an email to the study admin and asked for help to fix this. If you experience this kind of trouble, please send the document to me by email (, and I will try to fix it for you ASAP.


Good luck with the writing and all your exams! 

Best regards,

Publisert 25. okt. 2023 14:49

good luck with second iteration

English caption:

It's so good to see you! 0:06

Good luck with submissions of the second iteration on the group reports and on individual reports. 0:21

Then we'll see you on Monday, for the start of the third module - which is about writing and working with the report. 0:32

Good bye! And good luck. 0:46

Publisert 20. okt. 2023 09:59

The deadline for delivering group- and individual assignment 2 is October 26th. The deadline for giving peer reviews is November 2nd. I have posted new overviews of who you should review for this assignment! You can find them under "Documents & Messages" in the "Group Assignments" folder.


Publisert 27. sep. 2023 12:51


To send feedback on the individual reports - and the group assignments you can use e-mail.

Here is a general message; sound version, and visual text version

For the eleven wonder documents, some feedback is found here for each project.

And this is an example of a reply from ...

Publisert 27. sep. 2023 12:46

Individual peer reviews can be sent by email to the student you have reviewed, and group peer reviews can be sent to the group you have reviewed. 



Publisert 25. sep. 2023 11:36

Today - we start with module 2, welcome.

Cogratulations:  Now all the wonder documents from the 11 groups are "handed" in; and all individual assignments also.

There are really many interesting questions now!!, here is a list of all:

Group 1 – AI in the workforce

1. How is the introduction of AI into the mainstream workforce impacting IT

professionals and to what extent?

2. What are the workers’ expectations towards the introduction of AI in the



Group 2 – Recruiting by AI

1.Hvordan forholder arbeidstakere/arbeidsgivere seg til en rekrutteringsprosess som

inkluderer bruk av AI i forhold til en som ikke tar i bruk AI?

2.Har arbeidstakere/arbeidsgivere en relativ ...

Publisert 21. sep. 2023 12:43

In task 1.5 (journal - everyday engagement, interaction and use) we want you to include your reflections about the experience of journaling, you do not need to include what you have journaled. 


Publisert 21. sep. 2023 10:22

Everyone should now have access to publishing documents in Vortex. All messages/documents that contain personal information will be published in "Documents & Information" in the "group assignments" folder because only people registered in the course can see information posted there. This means that the peer review and groups overview can be found in "Documents & Information".

Both individual and group assignments are meant to be delivered in the group folder (please see how it was done in 2022 for clarification).

If you have trouble finding anything or need clarification, please contact me ( and I will try to help.

Best regards,


Publisert 18. sep. 2023 15:50

Please send your answers to assignment 1 to by 21/09/23 23:59. Do not mind the Vortex-system just yet, I will give you a heads up when/if I manage to give you access to upload files. In the meantime, I will upload assignment 1 for you. All groups will get their own folder where the assignments can be uploaded. If/when you get access, we will walk you through how to upload files, so please do not worry about it now. 

I said that the peer-review overviews would be posted today (18/09/23), but they will not be posted before tomorrow or Wednesday, so that anyone who has not yet sent me the details on their group members gets a chance to do this before I post the overview.


Best regards,


Publisert 30. aug. 2023 14:45

For the group project, we want you to work together in groups of 3-6 people - ideally 4. NB! It is important that everyone is assigned groups and gets started as soon as possible, so I would appreciate it if you send me an email before Wednesday 06/09.


To those who have a group:

One of the members is asked to send an email to or a message on teams (My Schultheiss) with

A) Names and usernames of all members

B) Whether you have room for more students in the group

C) The topic you plan to write about


For those who do not have a group:

Send an email to or send a message on teams (My Schultheiss) with:

A) Your preferred theme if you have one

B) Other information you want me and/or your future group members to know about.


If there is something else, I'm always a...

Publisert 10. aug. 2023 16:19

Welcome to the course IN 5620 Interaction with AI and autonomous systems. 

Please have a look at previous editions of this course; it goes back a few years with another code:  IN5480

We look forward to see you  - 21th of August in seminar room Phyton.


Asbj?rn and Jo