Forelesninger finner sted mandager 9.15-12.00 …

Forelesninger finner sted mandager 9.15-12.00 i Seminarrom Logo, Ole-Johan Dahls hus 2438. Gruppeundervisning finner sted fredager 12.15-14.00 i Seminarrom Postscript, Ole-Johan Dahls hus 2458.

Lectures will take place Mondays at 9.15 to 12.00 in room "Logo," Ole-Johan Dahl Building, room 2438. Seminars will take place Fridays from 12.15 to 14.00 in room "Postscript", room 2458 in the Ole-Johan Dahl Building.

Publisert 10. jan. 2012 13:27 - Sist endret 22. juni 2012 13:15