
Publisert 30. sep. 2019 11:32



this year no one asked so far about "what's the solution" or feedback from the correction.


Anyway, I make some remarks concerning the solution and the exam public.




Publisert 15. mai 2019 11:45

As mentioned in last lecture: there will be an ``extra event'' (not a lecture or exercice,but an opportunity for you to have last questions in preparation to the exam. Ideally, at that point, you should have

had a look at the exam questions from last rounds.



the data/place of that event is 10. June, 10:!5, same place as usual (shell). Martin


Publisert 6. mai 2019 08:53

As additional information for the chapter ``code gen'' I uploaded

a scan of relevent pages from the ``old'' Dragon book. The material is also covered on the slides, but one may also read the scanned sections besides those.  It's added under the directory ``handouts''. Martin

Publisert 11. mars 2019 12:35

Today, I got feedback that some testfiles were missing. In the handout for the oblig1 there is mentioning of a file




As a matter of fact: it was NOT included in the repos so far (I forgot to added it, but so far, except one participant, complaiend, so it was unnoticed by me.


Anyway, I added that. For easy access you may just download and unpack  the tar file I included here at the course webpage (under the tab obligs). Alternatively you can get it from my compila-git repos by updating, if that's easier.





Publisert 19. feb. 2019 12:38

Compared to the original version, I made some adaptation, repairing something that did not made much sense (and was kind of inconsistent). That's to do with statements. the intention this year is to use ; as separator between statements but not as terminator. That was specified properly only for procedure declarations, but not for conditionals and while-loops.

I repaired that and update the documentation. Martin



Publisert 18. feb. 2019 13:08



during the lecture it came up that the grammar was ``wrong'' insofar the syntax of the conditional was rather unintended.


The grammar has been updated. So a new version of the grammar

has been pushed to


and the documentation has been updated.





Publisert 12. feb. 2019 12:43

Today I handed out info about the first oblig.


The PDF is under the GIT repos where I put the current ``starting point'' for
the oblig:

(under the directory doc).

Next week I will discuss a bit more about the oblig (resp. if there are
already question, we can discuss).

What I want until then (as described at the handout):

                I need an email from everyone who wants to do the

In that email, indicate also with whom you want to build a group. I
encourage working in groups of two, but I need the INFORMATION if that
is done. Even if working alone for some reason: I NEED an email, as I
don't know the identities who is in the course (and some may wo...

Publisert 15. jan. 2019 12:18

Exercise 1 is uploaded, we will tackle it coming tuesday.


Publisert 14. jan. 2019 07:25

Hi, welcome to the new semester. slides, exercises, and handouts will be available as PDF in the corresponding subdirectories here (given as ``tabs'' on the left). For the slides, there will also be a condenses ``script-version'' in the same directory.