Lecture on Zoom - due to Corona variant

Hi everyone, 

I would have preferred to have mixed lectures, with both physical and virtual availability. However, due to the unknown spread of the Corona variants (UK, IR, SA, BR) in Norway, I don't want to go the risk of becoming a superspreader.

Thus, for the rest of January, I suggest that we focus on purely virtual meetings, using https://uio.zoom.us/j/2313898139 or http://zoom.jnoll.net (easier to remember).

I still hope that we will meet in the close future, to enhance the exchange between us. 
Kind regards

PS: Now on Thursday (21Jan2020, 09:15), I plan to discuss with you how we can enhance the interaction.

Publisert 18. jan. 2021 13:09 - Sist endret 18. jan. 2021 13:09