For the Spring 2015 the following modules will be given. Read about the modules under ?the module description?. You will find period of teaching for the modules under ?the semester plan?, and the detailed schedule for each module under ?the schedule for the modules? when those information are published.

Module 1: NMR

Frode Rise, Dirk Petersen

Module 8: Kvantekjemiske metoder

Simen Reine.

Module 13: Powder diffraction X-ray

Helmer Fjellv?g

Module 14: Contact angles and surface energy of solid substances

Finn Knut Hansen

Module 16: Diffusion of fluids within porous materials, NMR part II

Eddy Walther Hansen.

(Module 17: Surface tension measurements with pendant and sessible drop)

Finn Knut Hansen. (!!! Not offered Spring 2015 due to unavailable of the instrument.)

Module 18: Single crystal X-ray diffraction

Carl Henrik G?rbitz

Module 24: ICP-AES

Grethe Wibetoe, Anne-Marie Skramstad

Module 27: Str?levern

Jon Petter Omtvedt

(Module 28: Gamma-spektroskopi)

Jon Petter Omtvedt. (!!! Not offered Spring 2015)

Module 30: HMS and laboratory safety.

Vidar ?Blekastad m.fl.

(Module 32: Sample preparation - Dialysis - Centrifugation - Freeze drying)

Bo Nystr?m, Reidar Lund. (!!! Not offered Spring 2015)

(Module 33: Static Light Scattering)

Bo Nystr?m, Reidar Lund. (!!! Not offered Spring 2015)

(Module 34: Dynamic Light Scattering)

Bo Nystr?m, Reidar Lund. (!!! Not offered Spring 2015)

(Module 35: Densitometry - pH ? Turbidity)

Bo Nystr?m, Reidar Lund. (!!! Not offered Spring 2015)