
Publisert 13. des. 2021 10:28

Det burde st?tt 1-metyl-syklohep-1-en (ikke 1-metyl-syklohepen ). Beklager dette

Publisert 6. des. 2021 13:58
A link to a zoom meeting where you can ask questions during the exam is posted in Canvas. Please note that the zoom meeting opens Dec 13, at 10.15 and ends when there are no more studens in the waiting room (each student is only allowed in once).

If we need to reach you with important info during the exam, it will be posted here and in Canvas. It is the students responcibility to check for messages regularly during the exam

Publisert 23. aug. 2021 10:17

Dear all

Please note that it is compulsory to attend the lecture Wednesday August 25th. This year we have a waiting list, and anyone not showing up on Wednesday, will loose their right to attend the lab. If you have a legal reason for beeing absent on Wednesday, you must contact me or the studyadministration ASAP