
Publisert 30. aug. 2023 10:34

The lab lecture on Monday Sept 4th (10.15 am, in Berzeliuz) is compulsory for all students taking tha lab this semester

Publisert 18. aug. 2023 11:22

Kjemistudenter som ikke har f?tt meldt seg til emnet m? g? p? f?rste forelesning og sende en epost til Vi melder dere opp i l?pet av mandagen hvis dere dekker forkunnskapskravet. 


Hilsen oss i Studieadministrasjonen.

Publisert 17. aug. 2023 13:57

Dear all

Welcome to KJM3200!

Please note that it is compulsory to attend the first lecture August 23. Otherwise you loose your right to attend the  lab course

Please also note that the lab lecture September 4 and the lab course (Mondays and Tuesday 8-17 in weeks 37-43) are also compulsory

