Time is running out in KJM 5280

Please observe that you must have an approved report before being allowed to present your results.
The present and final plan for presenting is:

Presentations Wednesday November 10. from 11.00 AM:
Ryjoan (11.00), Sahra (11.30), Aslak (12.00), Ingeborg (12.30), Agnieszka (13.00)
All November 10th presentations are approved (passed). 
Presentations Wednesday November 17. from 11.00 AM:
Sander (11.00), Karl Stefan (11.30), Mats (12.00), Melchizedek (13.30)
All November 17th presentations are approved.

Presentations Wednesday November 24. from 09.30 AM in room ? 316:
Emilie (09.30), Kim (10.00), Cristina A (10.30), Atiqa (11.00), Rafael (12.30), Hannah (13.00), Jayn (13.30). 
You must have an approved report to do his presentation..  

Since the time is running out please make an effort so the report is approved.  If not approved, no lecture/presentation and you will not get the course approved this semester.

Publisert 3. nov. 2021 16:01 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2021 09:00